- Family Owned and Operated: AllCheck Inspections is much more than just another inspection company. We are family owned. We treat each home or building as if one of our family members were buying or selling it. Once you are a client, you are forever our client. We will always be available to our past clients to help them in any way we can.
- Qualified Professionals: Our inspectors are some of the most highly-trained inspectors in Central Indiana, equipped with the latest technology in the industry.
- Prompt, Dependable Service & Flexible Scheduling: We accommodate your availability, answering our phones Monday thru Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 1pm. After-hours voicemails are returned within an hour or 8am the next day. Also, we perform RUSH inspections as well as weekend inspections.
- Fully Insured: We carry Extensive Errors and Omissions (E&O) with Agent Referral Indemnity.
- Delivery of Reports: Reports are delivered within 24 hours of the inspection, or typically the evening of inspection day. Environmental reports are delivered upon completion of the test. The Report is also available online for five years following the inspection. As a Realtor you can log in and see all of the reports for your clients at any time. Click here to see a Sample Report.
- Professional Equipment: At AllCheck Inspections, we carry equipment for checking the standard items of an inspection. Typical equipment we use include: combustible gas detectors, moisture meters, electrical EMF detectors, and UAV drones.
- High Standards: Our inspectors hold the highest standards in the industry for honesty, trust, and integrity.
We believe that as a real-estate professional, you should always be confident in the professionalism of the people that you work with to bring a transaction to closing. Therefore, we recommend meeting with and getting to know everyone that is going to be working for your client. Please call for an appointment to meet and discuss all aspects of AllCheck Inspections.
At AllCheck Inspections we strive to match the high level of service that you provide to your clients. We know you work hard for your clients, and you can expect the same from us.
You can expect us to answer the phone when you or your client calls. If it is after hours, you can leave a message and we promise to return the call promptly. We know you work after hours, on weekends, and on holidays, so you can expect us to do the same. This means convenience for you and fewer hassles trying to schedule inspections or resolve questions or concerns.
You can expect our inspector to be on time, professionally dressed, and courteous to your client. We understand that your name is on the line when you refer us, and you can expect us to uphold your reputation. You’re working to obtain a client for life and so are we.
You can expect a top-notch, thorough examination of the home, providing you and your client the information you need to make sound decisions regarding the home. We know you want what is best for your client because you want to become their agent for life.
You can also expect our inspector to approach your client in a non-alarming manner regarding problem areas in the home. We understand that homebuyers, particularly first-time homebuyers, are looking for an inspector to guide them through the buying process with accurate information-not scare them away from a home. At the end of the inspection, your client will be ready for the next step in the buying process.
We employ a full-time, highly trained staff to answer all of your questions and concerns before and after the inspection takes place. Successful homeownership is what we aim to help your client achieve, and referring us will not only give your client a better home buying experience, but will enhance your reputation as an agent.
You can expect us to resolve any problems that may occur. We offer a Free 90 Day Limited Warranty on all of our Complete Home Inspections so that your client can feel confident about moving into the home. Buying a home is an emotional process and your clients want and need peace of mind. We know you are guiding them through the buying or selling process, and we are here to make your job easier and your client’s experience a successful one.
We also offer new Realtor Training with material provided, and Lunch and Learn meetings.