Frequestly Asked Questions
A Home Inspection is a visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a building at the time of the review. If you are thinking of buying, selling, or renovating a home, condominium, or a multi-family unit, it is imperative that you have it thoroughly inspected by an experienced and impartial home inspector. We do not make repairs on any defects, nor do we have any financial interest in the house we inspect. For a more detailed description of a Home Inspection see the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) Standards of Practice or Complete Home Inspection
The purchase of a home is one of the largest single investments you will make. You should know exactly what to expect in terms of needed and future repairs and maintenance. We can interpret hidden clues and present to you a professional opinion as to the condition of the property so you can avoid unpleasant surprises afterward. An inspection will also point out the positive aspects of the building, as well as the type of maintenance required to keep it in good shape. After the inspection you will have a much clearer understanding of the property you are about to purchase and be able to make your decision confidently. As a seller, an inspection can identify potential problems in the sale of your building and can recommend preventative measures that might avoid future expensive repairs.
Our inspections exceed the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors Standards of Practice.
Click here to view our Complete Home Inspection.
Click here to view NACHI Standards of Practice.
The best time to consult us is right after you’ve made an offer on your new building. The real estate contract usually allows for a grace period to inspect the building. Ask your professional agent to include this inspection clause in the contract, making your purchase obligation contingent upon the findings of a professional inspection. If you plan to sell your home, an inspection can be a good investment before you list your home for sale.
The inspector will generally be at the home 2.5 to 3 hours. The inspector will normally be at the home one half hour before the scheduled time to get started on the outside work before the client arrives.
The buyer typically orders and pays for the inspection. Our client is the person who orders the inspection. We work for our client and no one else. When selling a home it is a good idea to have an inspection prior to listing the home for sale to allow time for any repairs to be made. In this case, the seller would pay. An End of Builder’s Warranty Inspection or a Maintenance Inspection would be paid for by the home owner.
You are not required to be present at the inspection but it is recommended. The inspection is a great opportunity for you to ask questions and learn about your new home. We try to be informative during our inspections. We will show you where all utility shut off’s are located and how to change your furnace filter.
Home buyers typically schedule an inspection after an offer has been accepted, but before closing. If water or radon testing is being done, it is better to schedule these as soon as possible since the lab results require extra time. A pre-listing inspection is normally ordered by the seller just before listing the home for sale. An End of Builders Warranty Inspection would typically be just before the home becomes one year old.
Only in cases of extremely severe weather, otherwise the inspection will take place rain or shine. Many water problems are actually easier to find when it is raining.
We can normally schedule the inspection within the next 1-4 days.
Many lenders require a termite inspection to get a loan. Even if your lender does not require it, a termite inspection is always recommended. See Termites
If the water comes from a well or other private source, it is strongly recommended that a full water quality test be done. If it is public water, testing for lead is recommended since lead contamination may occur within the home from old lead pipes or lead solder. See Drinking Water
If we find anything that appears to be a biological growth during the inspection, we will make note of it in the report. There are two types of mold testing available: an air sample that determines the amount of mold spores in the air, and a swab test that determines the type of mold present. See Mold